
Where should I store my videos?
Should I be storing videos directly on my website? We would never recommend using your own website to host videos. Videos can be very large in size, especially if they have been shot in 4K, which smartphones can do these days. It does not make... read more »

What about video?
Should I put videos on my website? The simple answer is that it depends. Video can allow you to connect with your audience more effectively than just words and images. Video gives you the chance to entertain and inform your audience. It can reach out... read more »

What about images for my website?
Why is it important? Using good quality images on your website is important for several reasons. The first one is obvious, if your image is of a low resolution (it might be very small), it will be unwise to use it because it will look... read more »

Could you write the words for me?
Writer's Block One of the problems that our clients can have is Writer's Block. They know their business inside out, of course, but, now they have opened Word and are staring a blank page, they simply do not know where to start. This is why... read more »

Can I have a blog?
Of course you can! Every Run Your Own Website, has an unlimited blog or news facility included. They give your website life and they give Google and other search engines a reason to come back to you website! What does a Blog post and a News... read more »

What should I blog about?
Or what should you not blog about? This is a very interesting question. It depends on the type of website you have. If it is a personal website, you might want to write freely about anything that interests you. A blog is never wasted. Provided... read more »