
Stormzy: Grace and Grime
It’s not the musical genre one would immediately associate with declarations of faith, but the history of rap and hip hop is intrinsically linked to religion. At the forefront of the modern movement is grime superstar Stormzy, who is refusing to compromise on his... read more »

‘Collectable in the ’80s’
“All that I know most surely about morality and obligations, I owe to football.” So said French philosopher and sometime goalkeeper, Albert Camus. I understand where he is coming from but I would add on the word “stickers” to the end. It has been my long-held... read more »

Grappling with God
My childhood was always a struggle to survive. My parents divorced when I was six and after this my mum hit the drink hard, she became abusive and unhinged. My dad wasn’t to be seen at all. I would often have to take my... read more »

Building a wall of prayer
“This is the first time I’ve built a national landmark, so I feel like I’m making it up as I go along,” this tall but modest business leader tells me. But Richard Gamble, who is also a man of faith – you have to be... read more »

Billy the Whizz
Viliami Vunipola – generally known as “Billy” – was born in Australia of Tongan parents but is now very much part of the England Rugby set-up for the 2015 Rugby Union World Cup. The family moved to the UK when Billy was about six... read more »

Street Angels hit the clubs
Every weekend hundreds of people head into town and city centres. These people are not there to have a drink or spend the night clubbing but rather become Angels to help others have a safe and fun night out. Street Angels was launched in Halifax,... read more »

Cold, silence and solitude
In the summer of 1967 a guy halts his steps in a field in Wiltshire, retraces his steps the way he came for a few yards – then turns back. He repeats this to-ing and fro-ing for a while. At some point he steps... read more »

Heard It on the grapevine
He’s one of the BBC’s highest earners – a broadcaster who has spanned the realms of radio, TV and politics. As Jeremy Vine prepares to release his memoir What I Learnt… he chats to Sorted about how he’s balanced his personal faith with his... read more »

The Bear truth
Survivalist, television star, Chief Scout, Sorted contributor and all-round action man Bear Grylls has been with us from the very start. In this exclusive chat to Editor Steve Legg, Bear talks about his journey with the magazine and Running Wild with Barrack Obama. You always seem... read more »

Sorted 10 years on
To celebrate Sorted magazine’s tenth birthday, editor and founder Steve Legg chatted with columnist and sci-fi author Alex Willmott about the journey so far. As I reflect on a decade of Sorted magazine hitting the shelves, I’m reminded of how it all started – with... read more »