Cape to Cape

Cape to Cape

  Cape to Cape

Cape to Cape

Facing his fast-approaching 70th birthday and retirement, John Sutcliffe wanted to do “something rather special” – and in his case, that meant planning a walk of more than 1,000 miles, to take him from the foot of the UK, at Cape Cornwall, to the... read more »

  Mountain madness

Mountain madness

Mad – that’s the typical adjective most people choose when I tell them about my new expedition. They will listen for a while but are primarily eager to get in a second-hand anecdote of a climber who died or a story they heard of... read more »

  Healing minds to Minister

Healing minds to Minister

David Hall was once a chronic, paranoid schizophrenic. He was admitted to a psychiatric hospital on many occasions. Then one day in church he was prayed for and a miracle happened. David is now nearly 60 years old. He grew up in and has spent... read more »