Is forgiveness in your DNA?

We all know what it feels like when we have been betrayed or treated badly – our ego comes to the fore big time and destructive forces flow.
But while falling out and temper tantrums sometimes can't be helped, carrying grudges are something we can control.
We live in a world where saying a simple ‘I'm sorry’ is too often interpreted as weakness when, in reality, it displays great strength.
All of this came into my head on Easter Sunday triggered by just two words, which still leave me awe struck.
I was listening to a biblical reading repeated in the morning and afternoon. It tells the story of the resurrection. It's the most familiar of stories, regardless of whether you do, or don’t believe in Jesus Christ. But within it, almost hidden, come these words as an angel tells the women at the tomb what they should do next on finding it empty.
He says to them: ‘But go, tell his disciples and Peter, He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’
A tough call
Those two words and Peter – the man who had denied Christ, just as he was told he would – stopped me in my tracks and made me realise that everybody, no matter what they have done, is always forgiven by Christ.
Peter claimed to be the most passionate of Jesus' followers. He loved him with a vengeance and goodness knows how he must have been feeling after that denial. He may even have felt (because I know I would have done) that he wouldn't want anything more to do with Christ.
But the and Peter said everything, and later he would be asked by Christ three times whether he loved him.
Anger, resentment, the need for vengeance should never be a part of our psyche whatever happens to us.
Yes, it is a tough call to live this kind of life. But when the words ‘and John, and Mark and Dave’, or whoever, are included, we are presented with the perfect example to follow. I encourage you to try your hardest to do so.