Duke’s 'great faith' revealed

Regarded as the Royal Family’s ‘favourite clergyman’ because of his force of personality and practical wisdom, Dr John Sentamu has given a fascinating insight into the strong faith of the Duke of Edinburgh, who died on Friday aged 99.
The former Archbishop of York, speaking to the BBC, recalled how they prayed together at an official event – and joked that Prince Philip would have appreciated his shortened funeral service, because the duke could not stand what he called the ‘long church’.
He also revealed family troubles were also a concern for the duke.
‘I think it was the ambassador’s dinner at Buckingham Palace and he really was feeling very, very sorry for some of the things that were happening in his family – particularly his sons,’ he revealed.
‘He said ‘What would you say to me about the trouble that was happening with all my family?’ I said ‘Well, your royal highness, you are a family like any other family, and every family goes through good times and bad times.
‘The important thing for me is that you should realise that if people are married they are not just a couple, there is a third and that’s Jesus Christ, and they should begin to go to Jesus Christ’. He said ‘Of course, the Queen and I are so strong in Jesus Christ.’
Dr Sentamu said the duke asked him to pray for his children – and they did so at the dinner.
He said: ‘There was this unbelievable depth of his rootedness, because (the duke) was so rooted in Christ, he didn’t have any problem in relating to people about their faith or people who didn’t believe at all. Her Majesty is exactly the same.’