Why we must ban porn

A new law requiring porn sites to verify the age of their users is being discussed in Parliament this month. With respect, I believe this potential law doesn’t go nearly far enough.
It is time to do what should have been done years ago – ban it and wipe the entire pornography industry off the internet, preferably with immediate effect.
Some may argue that I am being overdramatic, perhaps even prudish? Nonetheless, I stand by my assertion that porn destroys people’s lives. This is a fact backed up by numerous studies.
Those who are profiting from this multi-billion-pound industry may argue that it is only a bit of harmless fun. Except it really isn’t!
HARMFUL: pornography websites are highly damaging, argues Chris Kerr.
Science tells us that regular use of porn is rewiring people’s brains and the effects can be devastating. It is shifting people’s sexual interests from normal, marital relations to more complex, sometimes deviant fantasies. At best, this is causing problems i...
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