Weak Joe undermines us all

Western politicians have been telling us for weeks that an extremely dangerous situation is unfolding between Russia and Ukraine. And judging by the news headlines of recent days, these fears would seem to have real merit.
If the spectre of a military confrontation with the Putin regime in Moscow is not bad enough, there are still widespread concerns about China flexing its muscles over Taiwan and what that could mean for the rest of the world. You may recall, this was also a story that sent the west into a frenzy not so long ago, only disappearing from our newspaper front pages thanks to 'Partygate', the impending energy crisis we all face – and, most recently, the build-up of Russian troops on the Ukraine border!
But the really important point in all of this is understanding why these things of huge international significance are happening right now.
Invasions and military conflicts can certainly be motivated by what Russia and China will gain materially from committin...
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