We so need real men!

For those of us with faith, I have a confession to make: I’m struggling with Church life.
Unfortunately, I am not alone. The data shows us that men are leaving the church at an alarming rate. In fact, in 2014, a UK church data expert named Peter Brierley famously said that if trends continue at their current rate, men will have all but disappeared from the Church by 2028.
The reality is this apocalyptic projection won’t come true – but we need to do something to stop the exodus, and quickly.
CHALLENGING: Christian men can help address problems like the human trafficking crisis.
This starts by being honest about the problem. The average western church defines good Christian men as being ‘nice guys’. We ask our men to be the ‘socks and sandals’ type; meek, mild-mannered, well-read, nice men who won’t say “boo” to a goose.
Yes, we should be kind, gentle, patient, and loving, but God intended us to be more. So much more.
We were created in his image to be strong, courageous,...
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