Wanted: righteous leaders

Fear gripped everyone on the plane: its wing had exploded; the engine had stopped – and it was plunging rapidly towards the ground.
Yet, things were to get worse. The plane found itself heading directly towards a baseball stadium filled with 80,000 spectators. Disaster was inevitable; a new tragedy was about to be written in the volumes of history. All of sudden though, a blur of red and blue shot through the sky and saved the day! Superman grabbed the plane and gently guided it to safety.
When we were young, power was a good thing. And superheroes were as real as anything we could imagine.
NATION BUILDER: the late South African President and former freedom fighter, Nelson Mandela.
But now we are adults, 'power' is a bad word. We shudder when we hear it. We run from it; we hide from it, and we do not trust it.
Who can blame us? We hear testimonies from women who have been sexually harassed by men who had power over them. We see images of death and destruction caused by p...
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