TV season tickets on way

The day can't be far away when football follows the same course as films and music on TV.
Netflix and Spotify changed things for ever in the two entertainment industries and it only happened as a result of pirate streaming.
Football will surely go the same way and fulfil the famous Brian Clough prophecy that "one day football would be played in empty stadiums for the benefit of TV."
In a game once dominated by Sky, later joined by BT before Amazon took a slice of the pie, pirate streaming is winning.
There are few football fans who aren't aware of them being available and many have them thus never missing game from their favourite club.
Every game is available and that's the reason more an more cut price offers come though the mail from the likes of Sky. They are struggling to compete.
There are already discussions going on within the game about the possibility of the Premier League eventually ditching the recognised broadcasters an...
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