Top Stories

Sauce ban shocker
Should we or shouldn’t we? The great condiment debate has been raging ever since restaurants decided to offer sauces...

‘Ass’ laws highlight injustice
Last week, the Government finally agreed to abolish a ridiculous 200-year-old piece...

Church’s new homes vow
The Church of England has confirmed it is seeking to help more than 270,000 homeless people in the UK...

They need bibles and bullets
Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has triggered an avalanche of global criticism, growing levels of military aid and potentially...

Every picture tells a story…
Everyone who is a regular reader of Sorted magazine appreciates the wonderful work of our very talented illustrator, Andy...

Get a taste of Father Stu…
Check out Mark Wahlberg's latest movie – about a mouthy, down-on-his-luck boxer who joins the priesthood after a near-death...

What an absolute belter of a magazine we have got for you this time around! Packed with exclusive stories and...

A feather in their CAP
According to the Bank of England, the average Briton is sinking under a pile of debt – estimated to...

The apple of our pie
Who doesn't love tucking into a delicious pie? The gang at Sorted most certainly does – that's why several...

A film with real buzz
Blerta Basholli's harrowing cinematic offering has been garnering five-star reviews from critics...