The question of integrity

When news broke of Matt Hancock’s affair a few weeks ago, I was neither shocked or surprised. Nobody was. There have been so many moral failures (not just in this government or this country) – affairs, using public money incorrectly, press leaks and bullying. In truth, we now just expect it.
Alas, this is a bad place for us to be.
The role of government, and the leaders within it, is to lead the people from point A (the current difficult place) to point B (a better tomorrow) and so forth.
Making laws that force people to do or not do things will only get you so far. To truly lead people you need to be able to influence them. To inspire them to follow your lead not with a gun to their head but with a compelling vision of a better tomorrow. And the essential ingredient in all of this is trust.
It’s an age-old cliché, I know, but we must trust someone like Matt Hancock to have our best interests at heart and that they have the skill and character to lead us forward.
A leader ...
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