The odds are against you

If you are anything like me, your mind and faith are funny old things – working in ways you cannot control.
Take last night, for instance.
I had enjoyed an animated conversation with a good friend of mine, whose background, like my own, is grounded in faith, newspapers, journalism, and the media. Of all the things to talk about, we chose the subject of betting on horse racing, and whether it was something Christians should partake in?
The conversation left me troubled. And last night, I had a dark dream about it. It wasn't my intention. It just happened.
Specifically, my subconscious decided to remind me of the time I once worked in the senior management team of one of the UK's largest gambling companies. Yes, confession time, for a short period, I oversaw internal and external communication at a business that owned betting shops, casinos, and bingo halls, employing 18,000 people in the UK. And I was one of the 40 most senior people within the company.
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