Stirred, shaken and renewed

I thought I knew a bit about being a vicar – until a trip to Asia changed my life.
I had been leading a church in Leicester for 11 years, and I considered myself to be outward-looking. We established missional communities and developed three new churches, two of which had gone on to plant again.
I’d heard of the work that GFA World (an evangelical organisation working throughout Africa and Asia)) was doing – and it blew me away.
GFA World has a positive impact on thousands of community development projects that benefit downtrodden families and their children. It provides free medical camps (conducted in more than 1,200 villages and remote communities) and it has also drilled more than 4,800 clean water wells and installed some 12,000 water filters. In addition, they have provided income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 260,000 needy families.
I knew we needed this passion and determination in the UK. As I flew to Asia, I had no idea how I would be stirred.
Upon arr...
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