Sorted's top 70s films

We love lists over here at Sorted – and, as you know, we like to provoke the occasional reaction.
Over the next few weeks, you will find our intrepid team of opinionated souls publishing quite a few of them on our new website.
For starters, our favourite West Ham fan, Hugh Southon, has listed his fave films from the 70s – and no prizes for guessing what’s at the top of his list?
But while our Hughie might be Mr Predictable with his top pick, we are sure you will find some of his other selections surprising – and a stimulant to the heart and head.
Remember, this was the decade of Sylvester Stallone, John Travolta, and The Godfather, when Marlon Brando was so keen to make us offers we couldn't refuse via a 1972 blockbuster widely regarded as the greatest Mafia movie ever made.
So take a peek at Hughie’s official Sorted top 20… there must be one favourite of yours he has missed?
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Jaws (1975)
Grease (1978)
The ...
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