Race row's double standards

I have to confess to being astonished by the double standards that appear to exist in the deepening 'racism in cricket' crisis engulfing our nation – particularly in relation to the BBC.
For several days, I, like everyone else, have listened to former Yorkshire cricketer, Azeem Rafiq, as he has reeled off numerous claims against the county and ex-teammates, which paint a very dark picture about the culture at Headingly and the wider game.
That he suffered racism is beyond doubt. And my sympathy is very much with the 30-year-old.
But yesterday, it emerged that Rafiq himself had been guilty of sending anti-Semitic messages on social media when he was 19 years old.
Let's be clear about things: this is also racism. Yet, while watching the BBC's Question Time programme on Thursday evening, the whole incident was glossed over as if it was a total triviality. It is not.
LIGHT TOUCH QUESTIONING: Question Time's Fiona Bruce didn't pursue anti-Semitic racism claims.
It is not...
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