Podcast aids Dads' grief

Two devastated fathers – brought together through baby loss – have launched a podcast aimed at supporting other grieving dads and their families.
Liam Preston and Matt Dearsley, who live in Essex, recognised there were no resources specifically targeted at dads who were suffering and wanted to do something positive with their pain.
Their Dad Still Standing podcast which aired for the first time on Tuesday (25 May), focuses on the immediate aftermath of losing a baby. It explores Liam and Matt’s experiences on the day, through the first week, and beyond.
‘When we lost our baby girl, Paloma, during childbirth it was heart-breaking,’ said Liam. ‘I had hoped there would be something out there that could help me deal with the emotions, the stress, and the grief of this moment. However, when I looked around it was all focused on mums and nothing for dads. There was no one talking my language or saying they felt the same way I did.’
Matt added: ‘It is often hard for men to talk about their emotions, and we are seen as having to be strong for our partners and families. In reality, we are just as fragile and in need of support. We want to push through this stereotype and make sure dads know they can grieve and how best to cope with that.’
The podcast is designed to be a practical resource and a step-by-step guide on what is to come and how to overcome it following the loss of a child. Special guests and experts will support the dads as they embark on a weekly journey exploring subjects as diverse as looking at the differences between mums and dads; returning to work; telling siblings; financial impact; trying again; pregnancy after loss; religion; and maintaining a relationship with a partner.
One thing is guaranteed: it won’t be ‘an hour each episode of us being depressed about our stories’ – as Liam describes in the show. It’s two blokes talking as if they are down the pub about loss and what is to come in life.
As much as we would like it to be so, very few of us are equipped to handle seismic events in our lives – such as the tragic loss of a baby, or child.
Liam and Matt have chosen to turn their grief into a force for good for other men who face exactly the same roller coaster of emotion and sadness they experienced – and all of us at Sorted applaud this move.
Men do need to flush things out into the open, and we do so in very different ways to women. It's important this is acknowledged. And we are looking forward to monitoring the progress of Liam and Matt's important contributions in the weeks and months ahead.
Good luck fellas.
Dad Still Standing is available via Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google, and all major podcast providers.