Off the boards

David Robinson is a prolific playwright and actor, and has performed around the country for over thirty years. Locked out of the theatre like every other performer by the virus, he has been revising, creating and writing, and is currently working on a play based on the life of famous comedian, Ken Dodd.
Q: How has the epidemic hit people like you?
I have never in my thirty years of performing experienced the uncertainty and fear that the creative arts are feeling right now. My last performance was in The Screwtape Letters on Saturday 14 March. My next performance is unknown. So, though it is encouraging and refreshing to see pubs and restaurants opening their doors, it remains frustrating not be able to do what I have always enjoyed doing the most: telling stories through live theatre.
Q: But you have not been idle?
I have been running a series of Facebook interviews via the ever-present Zoom called Tea for Two for Ten: ten-minute interviews over a lovely cup of tea and cus...
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