Men on a mission

Tony Sharp provides an update on the Who Let The Dads Out? Initiative.
The battles are still being fought, snipers are still taking shots on the fringes, but surely the war is effectively over. In 21st-century Britain, men now know that it’s good to be seen caring for their infant child, that sporting a papoose in the style of Daniel Craig is as OK as emerging, bronzed and buff, from an azure sea.
Of course, die-hards remain, along with the odd self-publicist, who will always hark back to more gender-specific roles. But our world is changing, and fathers and father figures could change with it, to navigate the confusing landscape of how to parent a child and how to stay together as family. It can be scary, but it can be an exciting roller coaster of a ride too.
The Who Let The Dads Out? movement is part of this changing landscape, and is led by Mark Chester and myself, but with the support of many volunteers and partners. We are ‘men on a mission’, working as a catalyst for ch...
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