
Why men’s mental health is an issue for all men and whole communities.
‘Man up. Shape up. Step up. Keep up.’ That’s the message to men.
But what happens when, well… we just can’t?
Anxiety, depression and despair amongst men are at an all-time high. The latest UK statistics are frightening:
At any one time, it’s believed that one in eight men (that 12.5 per cent of us) are trying to cope with diagnosed mental health issues – and that’s just the disclosed cases. Many more are invisible.
78 per cent of suicides (almost four in every five) are by men.
For men under the age of 45 suicide is the biggest single cause of death. In other words, the thing that is most likely to kill a young man is himself!
In the last five years the suicide rate in males aged 45-59 has also increased significantly.
Thirteen men take their own lives every day.
We also know that 25 per cent of those men have visited their GP during the previous seven days. It was jus...
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