Making the most of 2022

So, we are just a few days into a new year – and how many of us have already broken those resolutions we earnestly and solemnly made?
The answer to the question doesn't bear thinking about!
But, regardless of what you committed to in terms of improving fitness levels, losing weight, quitting smoking and drinking, or even saving money, perhaps there is one pledge you can make – and keep?
It involves your car...
There are many good reasons to keep your motor in good nick, not least because of safety factors. But to help anyone who might struggle to come up with some compelling justification for putting your car towards the top of your priority list, our friends at have come up with six of their very best tips to make 2022 a better year.
Get the cleaning cloth out
Drivers known for hoarding old bags, wrappers and coffee cups in their motor should start 2022 by ending these messy practices and start cleaning their vehicle regularly. Why? Because a tidy ca...
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