Let’s talk about sex

Emma Waring is a sex therapist, and often meets couples, in the course of her work, whose ignorance regarding sex both shocks and saddens her. As a result, she recently published a book, Seasons of Sex & Intimacy (Hullo Creative), which sets out to fill in the holes in our knowledge. For she believes that despite the amount of sex education in schools, nobody really prepares people for sexual intimacy – how our bodies work, and how our partner’s body works as well. And not only is there not enough guidance on sex when it all goes as it should, there is also, she feels, not enough advice on what to do when things go wrong. Nor is school the right place for this information to be handed on to children…
Emma says, “I fundamentally disagree with the idea that children should get their sex education from school. I actually think that children need to get sex education from their parents. As parents, we know our children better than anyone else, and I think we have a responsibility to...
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