I am with Winston...

What on earth is going on in our chaotic and out-of-sync world?
Last night (Thursday), I sat down and watched Question Time – one of the Beeb's flagship current affairs programmes, where free speech is supposed to reign. Alas, it didn't, and I came away feeling frustrated and slightly miffed.
It is not the first time this is happened (the lack of free speech on BBC), but it's the first time I have been left truly speechless!
What got my goat was the dismissive and contemptuous way host, Fiona Bruce, attempted to shut down Lord Robert Winston, the esteemed scientist, when he made comments that didn't sit comfortably with the BBC's position on gender.
Lord Winston did not say anything outrageous. Nor did he say anything that was not scientifically factual. All he dared to offer was his expertise, as a biologist, on the subject of gender, stating there are only two types: male and female. And he then went on to state his reasons for making such a statement.
It was a...
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