Hope in Syria

It is hard to believe it has been more than eight years since the start of the Syrian crisis. Eight years of communities devastated, the economy collapsed, families traumatised, and entire neighbourhoods reduced to rubble.
As the world seems to have moved on in many ways, the fact remains that for millions of Syrians, the crisis is still their daily reality. Still. More than eight years later.
For those who remain in Syria, every day is full of challenges. For the ones who have fled across borders in search of refuge, life is a struggle to survive.
For almost 25 years, David Verboom has seen the effects of conflicts and large-scale disasters first-hand. He has listened to the countless stories of refugees and survivors. David’s work in humanitarian aid has taken him to places like Sudan, the Middle East, and across Asia before leading him to his current position as CEO of the international emergency relief and recovery organisation, Medair.
Still, each new story he hears af...
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