Happy 40th, Indiana Jones

In just over a week’s time, Indiana Jones – the film character played to near perfection by Harrison Ford – will be 40-years-old. And I can’t quite believe it!
I first saw the original film during its initial UK release. Ever since I first watched it, I have considered it to be the greatest movie ever made; bar none.
There isn’t a day when I haven’t thought about it, quoted it or had the fantastic John Williams theme tune running around in my head. Such is my devotion and obsession, on my front room wall can be found a large copy of the original cinema poster.
I’ve even met and spoken to two of the stars of the film.
A few years ago, I interviewed John Rhys Davis, (who played Indy’s sidekick, Salah). He was staring in a new version of Pilgrims Progress and was a delight to talk to. Even better was when I got to meet the extremely lovely Karen Allen (who played Indy’s future wife) at a Science Fiction convention. I thought I was going to faint as she gave me a hug and we took a selfie! ‘Wow’ is the only word to describe the encounter.
Cinematic perfection
So, what is it about Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones that has seen it not only endure for all these years, but remain one of the most popular movies ever made?
I first saw Raiders, on my own, in a small cinema in St. Ives. I knew very little about it going in and, in my naivety, I actually thought it might be a film about the biblical character, Noah!
As I took my seat and the lights went out, I was put right and I was introduced to an adventurer with the nine lives of a cat, an appetite for danger – and a desire to do the right things.
And as I watched, it just got better and better. It got more exciting, more thrilling, scarier and even in the midst of all that it still managed to have the funniest moment, in my opinion, ever committed to film.
Cinematic perfection are the only words to adequately describe it.
Over the years I’ve lost count of the number of times I have seen Raiders. I know the script by heart and have owned it on Pan and scan video, wide screen video, DVD and blu ray. I also have several books on the making of the film – and even saw it a few years ago at the Royal Albert Hall with a live orchestra providing the score.
Two sequels and a prequel were spawned on the back of the original film’s success. And a fifth film is now in the works.
Sage words
It has all gone by in a blur. In next-to-no-time, four decades have passed us by and the 1980s now seem like a very long time ago.
But as I reminisce, some sage words from Indy pop into my shell-like: ‘It’s not the years, it’s the mileage, honey,’ he once famously said.
Boy, I am looking forward to the start of the next 40-year adventure.
Andy Godfrey is a film reviewer for Sorted magazine and a leading member of the Mark Kermode appreciation society.