Good, bad and plain ugly

As a new year splutters into life, it’s time to reflect on the best and worst films of 2021 – and there are some surprising inclusions in both camps.
The most eagerly anticipated film of the year was No Time To Die, the 25th outing for James Bond as 007. After several false starts, this long-overdue blockbuster finally reached the big screen. Not only did it give cinemas much need box office revenue, but it was also really good.
And when I say 'good', I really do mean it.
Hot on its heels came the sci-fi big-hitter Dune. Based on the best-selling novel, this was a smash hit, and deservedly so. A breath-taking experience for everyone who loves the genre, the film also benefitted from a script that was faithful to the original book.
THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE: and if you have any sense, you'll avoid the latest Matrix film.
Alas, the same cannot be said of Matrix: Resurrections. The fourth film in the series was a confusing disappointment. And another big flop was the Marvel...
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