From bricks to screen

Jon Burton and his team at TT games have worked on video games from licensed franchises for many years. They have worked with film properties, and mascot video game characters like Sonic the Hedgehog and Crash Bandicoot. It would be fair to say that TT was another run of the mill middle tier developer, that was until 2005 when they released Lego® Star Wars: The Video Game.
This title was another licensed game, only this one had two parents to please – both LEGO® and the Star Wars people. Despite the restrictions, TT games managed to infuse the game with original ideas; unique, lovable humour; and fresh gameplay mechanics that more-or-less singlehandedly revitalised couch co-op. Lego® Star Wars was a fan favourite and critical darling that has spawned sequels and what feels like a genre unto itself, as each year another intellectual property gets the Lego® video game treatment.
Jon Burton was the creative director on that first Lego® Star Wars game, has since gone on to direct man...
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