Forgiveness: the ultimate act

The modern-day world is a place where none of us can put a foot wrong for fear of having an accusatory finger pointed at us and some form of ‘blame’ hurled in our direction.
But is it right that we are so intolerant of a person who makes an honest mistake?
In truth, I have to say 'no'. Such a scenario leads to intolerable pressures being heaped on the shoulders of an individual or an organisation, lies being told – and cover-ups being perpetrated. And don’t we see these things happening before our very eyes on a near-daily basis?
The present state of affairs came into sharp focus for me last week, when I listened to a news report and suddenly thought to myself ‘why are we all so unwilling to forgive?’
For that is what our society is today: angry, volatile, uncompromising and deeply unforgiving.
I hear it all the time about people who have been released from prison.
“They should rot in hell,” is the shout whenever a former offender commits another crime.
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