Every picture tells a story...

Everyone who is a regular reader of Sorted magazine appreciates the wonderful work of our very talented illustrator, Andy Gray.
For several years now, Andy has been our resident man with a crayon, who can quickly bring topical moments to life on a piece of paper – and help turn a good yarn into a great one.
Last week, he had a moment of inspiration in relation to the Super Bowl clash between Los Angeles Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals. His drawing has made all of us in the Sorted editorial team have a good chuckle – but boy, have we struggled to come up with a caption!
So, we thought we would throw open a challenge to you, our wonderful readers. Can you come up with a caption to this image that will grace the pages of the next edition of Sorted?
It's a simple concept – albeit very unscientific: the caption that makes us laugh aloud the most will be printed in the next edition of the magazine – and we'll also be crediting the author. For good measure, we may also throw in some of the other submissions that brought a smile to our faces.
If you fancy taking part please drop a line on our Facebook page, or send your suggestion directly to tony@sortedmag.com
We hope to hear from you soon.