Crouch keeps his distance

Peter Crouch, the former England international footballer, is playing a crucial role in reminding people who attend a Gloucestershire church how they must socially distance.
Some members of the St Mary’s church congregation in Cheltenham struggle to imagine what two metres actually looks like – but a 6ft 7in cut-out of the former Premier League star is the perfect practical example!
Reverend Nick Bromfield, the vicar of St Mary’s, decided that the former striker is ideal for the role and said: ‘He stands near the entrance and he greets parishioners in his dinner jacket and Rolex as they arrive.
‘People do a double-take but instantly realise and remember they’ve got to keep two metres apart.’
Distinguished gentleman
Reverend Bromfield, speaking to Premier Christian News, said the Crouch cut-out has even sparked unusual conversations from outside the church.
‘Last week, a very distinguished gentleman came up came in and I noticed he did a double-take at Peter Crouch as he lef...
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