
Sterling: my mum's gold
Raheem Sterling, the Manchester City and England football star, has taken a few knocks in recent times – but nothing like the vitriol he has been subjected to since the Three Lions lost in the final of the Euros. Undeterred, the flying winger refuses to... read more »

Alice is in wonderland...
Veteran rocker, Alice Cooper, has an unquenchable thirst for golf – and God – and these two driving forces in his life have kept him on the straight and narrow for many years. “I look back now and I know how deep I got on... read more »

Who will be top dogs?
It's the end of another summer and that means it's the start of another Premier League football season – one unlike any other. With Jack Grealish moving from Aston Villa to Manchester City, we have already had the first-ever £100 million transfer – and there... read more »

Should I stay or go?
It’s one of the great questions among film fans and cinema devotees: should I stay and watch a movie's ‘end credits’. Or should I go when the action finishes and the titles roll?You wouldn’t believe how much... read more »

DIY Brit man 'nails it'
It is time to put months of despair behind us and revel in joyous news – for it has been revealed the DIY skills of the average British man has soared in recent months! Yep, while we have been furloughed, told to isolate at home,... read more »

Tragedy 'grounds' Hopkins
Sir Anthony Hopkins, one of Britain’s greatest-ever thespians, has just become the oldest actor to ever win an Oscar and BAFTA for his portrayal of a man suffering from the early onset of dementia. And he has revealed to Sorted he drew on his own... read more »

Frank’s atheism ‘cure’
He’s been making us laugh for decades. But there is a serious side to comedian, Frank Skinner – one that sees him praying twice a day and seeking salvation for his atheist friends. Now in his early 60s, Skinner, who is also the co-writer of... read more »

Out now: our latest issue
What a fun and action-packed edition of Sorted we have got lined up for you... For starters, there is an exclusive interview with Sir Anthony Hopkins – fresh from his 'Best Actor' success at the Oscars and BAFTAs for the wonderful performance he gave in... read more »

Issue 81 - Mar-Apr 2021
In the exciting new edition we chat to Hollywood A-Listers, Sporting Superstars, Action-man Bear Grylls plus the greatest team of columnists ever assembledAre you Sorted yet?read more »

I have a dream…
Actor David Oyelowo has seen political division and racism consume America in recent months, culminating in the recent violence in Washington. He speaks exclusively to Tony Yorke about his fears and hopes for the world’s greatest democracy, how a strong faith keeps him on... read more »