
A comedy of errors
I have to confess to having zero interest in the libel trial brought by Rebekah Vardy against fellow WAG Coleen Rooney – two women seemingly obsessed with destroying one another. But don’t the events that are currently unfolding... read more »

Time to seize the day
The sun may be shining and the temperatures are certainly getting warmer – but I sense a cold, numbing wind is already blowing through our country. Whatever is he talking about, I hear you ask? It’s this: nothing... read more »

We so need real men!
For those of us with faith, I have a confession to make: I’m struggling with Church life. Unfortunately, I am not alone. The data shows us that men are leaving the church at an alarming rate. In fact,... read more »

Finding peace in a storm
Have you ever sat on a beach and surveyed all that is around you – the magnificence, the perfection, the power? I did so just a few days ago during a short break on the Gower Peninsula. For... read more »

Weak Joe undermines us all
Western politicians have been telling us for weeks that an extremely dangerous situation is unfolding between Russia and Ukraine. And judging by the news headlines of recent days, these fears would seem to have real merit. If the... read more »

Why we must ban porn
A new law requiring porn sites to verify the age of their users is being discussed in Parliament this month. With respect, I believe this potential law doesn’t go nearly far enough. It is time to do... read more »

Christ painting sells for $45m
Auctioneers have sold a portrait of a bloodshot eyed Jesus Christ for $45.4 million. Sotheby’s in New York expected The Man of Sorrows – painted by the celebrated artist Sandro Botticelli in around 1500 – to sell for $40 million. In the end, two phone... read more »

A lady like no other
Most of us are fortunate enough to know someone we regard as a "special person". If we are extremely blessed, once or twice in our lifetime we may come into contact with that incredibly small group of... read more »

Good, bad and plain ugly
As a new year splutters into life, it’s time to reflect on the best and worst films of 2021 – and there are some surprising inclusions in both camps. The most eagerly anticipated film of the year was... read more »

Making the most of 2022
So, we are just a few days into a new year – and how many of us have already broken those resolutions we earnestly and solemnly made? The answer to the question doesn't bear thinking about!But, regardless of what you committed to in terms of... read more »