
Priti vacant…
Ever since Boris Johnson took the helm as our Prime Minister, I have found myself increasingly taking a strong position on a number of things – including matters such as Brexit, COVID, the economy and Parliament’s moral... read more »

Church helps war orphans
Almost 200 Ukrainian orphans have received vital aid from kind-hearted members of a Kendal-based church. Jonny Gios, the minister of Gateway Church, and a small team of parishioners traveled to Sighisoara in Romania, and from there they journeyed... read more »

'Ass' laws highlight injustice
Last week, the Government finally agreed to abolish a ridiculous 200-year-old piece of law that further victimised people who are homeless. The Vagrancy Act made rough sleeping and begging a criminal offence, and it was an ass. read more »

Couple's vigil offers hope
Once again, we live in uncertain times. But amidst the gloom and despair of war in Europe, allow me to bring you a story that offers us all real hope. Gregor and Katarina are friends of mine. As... read more »

They need bibles and bullets
Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has triggered an avalanche of global criticism, growing levels of military aid and potentially crippling economic sanctions. On a daily basis, news machines around the world have been reporting directly from Kyiv, providing anyone who will listen with up-to-date reports... read more »

Weak Joe undermines us all
Western politicians have been telling us for weeks that an extremely dangerous situation is unfolding between Russia and Ukraine. And judging by the news headlines of recent days, these fears would seem to have real merit. If the... read more »

Why we must ban porn
A new law requiring porn sites to verify the age of their users is being discussed in Parliament this month. With respect, I believe this potential law doesn’t go nearly far enough. It is time to do... read more »

A feather in their CAP
According to the Bank of England, the average Briton is sinking under a pile of debt – estimated to be more than £30,000 – racked up while staying afloat during the pandemic and paying for events like Christmas. The Bank's latest research also shows less... read more »

Boris urged to aid Afghans
A leading UK barrister, who specialises in protecting the religious freedom of persecuted Christians, is urging the Prime Minister to come to the aid of 200 Afghans and help them flee the crisis-torn country. Paul Diamond, who for three decades has represented persecuted Christians in... read more »

Wanted: righteous leaders
Fear gripped everyone on the plane: its wing had exploded; the engine had stopped – and it was plunging rapidly towards the ground. Yet, things were to get worse. The plane found itself heading directly towards a baseball... read more »