
The weight is over
It seems gaining a few inches of flab is all part of becoming a new father. But help is at hand, providing you follow some simple self-help steps.New dad musings: week two There comes a moment... read more »

The vitality of vitamin sea
I am going to give you a health tip: whenever you can, schedule regular time at the sea. It really will help you, no matter what your health and fitness goal is. Think about it – what place... read more »

Successful and psychotic
James Macintyre was a successful young man at the top of his game – until a breakdown unexpectedly hit him for six. A serious psychotic episode led to him being sectioned and subsequently spending three years in and... read more »

Get fit the disciplined way
It's a fact: approximately eight out of ten of us will have failed to keep whatever new year resolutions we may have made before the second week of February. And this is particularly true when we make... read more »

Body image woes hit men
Growing numbers of men have a poor perception of their own bodies, new research has revealed. Launched to coincide with International Men’s Day (on Friday 19 November), a study from leisure operator Better has highlighted the growing pressures and insecurities British men feel about their appearance.In what is undoubtedly... read more »

Why Lincoln is an inspiration
We must reject the idea that our struggles with depression disqualify us from our destiny. Our inner battles do not preclude us from achieving great things: they qualify us. History testifies to this.Martin Luthor King Jr was... read more »

Our debt to 'Patch' Adams
What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word 'hospital' – and what pops into your head when a doctor's name is mentioned? To me, these words conjure up images of cold white clinical buildings,... read more »