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Successful and psychotic
James Macintyre was a successful young man at the top of his game – until a breakdown unexpectedly hit him for six. A serious psychotic episode led to him being sectioned and subsequently spending three years in and... read more »

Sauce ban shocker
Should we or shouldn’t we? The great condiment debate has been raging ever since restaurants decided to offer sauces to their diners more than a century ago. And even though more upmarket establishments often turn their noses up at those who splash ketchup all over... read more »

Led an unmerry dance
Anyone who has visited the Outer Hebrides will tell you it can be a very bleak, foreboding place. So, just imagine what it was like living in small, cut-off villages back in 1914? I have no doubt it... read more »

'Ass' laws highlight injustice
Last week, the Government finally agreed to abolish a ridiculous 200-year-old piece of law that further victimised people who are homeless. The Vagrancy Act made rough sleeping and begging a criminal offence, and it was an ass. read more »

Wooed but not wowed
When a film is promoted as “the most anticipated of the year” – even though it’s only March – you must make an effort. So, I did. With the dawn chorus striking up as I write one of... read more »

Church's new homes vow
The Church of England has confirmed it is seeking to help more than 270,000 homeless people in the UK find a permanent home. Writing exclusively in the latest edition of Sorted magazine, Guli Francis-Dehqani, the Bishop of Chelmsford, and Andrew Gray, a senior member of... read more »

Couple's vigil offers hope
Once again, we live in uncertain times. But amidst the gloom and despair of war in Europe, allow me to bring you a story that offers us all real hope. Gregor and Katarina are friends of mine. As... read more »

They need bibles and bullets
Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has triggered an avalanche of global criticism, growing levels of military aid and potentially crippling economic sanctions. On a daily basis, news machines around the world have been reporting directly from Kyiv, providing anyone who will listen with up-to-date reports... read more »

Why Ukraine... why now?
While listening to the words coming out of the mouths of a succession of political figures this morning as Ukraine faces up to the threat of a Russian invasion, I find my agitation levels rising. I have Ukrainian... read more »

Every picture tells a story...
Everyone who is a regular reader of Sorted magazine appreciates the wonderful work of our very talented illustrator, Andy Gray. For several years now, Andy has been our resident man with a crayon, who can quickly bring topical moments to life on a piece of... read more »