Successful and psychotic

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  Successful and psychotic

Successful and psychotic

James Macintyre was a successful young man at the top of his game – until a breakdown unexpectedly hit him for six. A serious psychotic episode led to him being sectioned and subsequently spending three years in and... read more »

  Sauce ban shocker

Sauce ban shocker

Should we or shouldn’t we? The great condiment debate has been raging ever since restaurants decided to offer sauces to their diners more than a century ago. And even though more upmarket establishments often turn their noses up at those who splash ketchup all over... read more »

  Led an unmerry dance

Led an unmerry dance

Anyone who has visited the Outer Hebrides will tell you it can be a very bleak, foreboding place. So, just imagine what it was like living in small, cut-off villages back in 1914? I have no doubt it... read more »

  ‘Ass’ laws highlight injustice

'Ass' laws highlight injustice

Last week, the Government finally agreed to abolish a ridiculous 200-year-old piece of law that further victimised people who are homeless. The Vagrancy Act made rough sleeping and begging a criminal offence, and it was an ass. read more »

  Wooed but not wowed

Wooed but not wowed

When a film is promoted as “the most anticipated of the year” – even though it’s only March – you must make an effort. So, I did. With the dawn chorus striking up as I write one of... read more »

  Church’s new homes vow

Church's new homes vow

The Church of England has confirmed it is seeking to help more than 270,000 homeless people in the UK find a permanent home. Writing exclusively in the latest edition of Sorted magazine, Guli Francis-Dehqani, the Bishop of Chelmsford, and Andrew Gray, a senior member of... read more »

  Couple’s vigil offers hope

Couple's vigil offers hope

Once again, we live in uncertain times. But amidst the gloom and despair of war in Europe, allow me to bring you a story that offers us all real hope. Gregor and Katarina are friends of mine. As... read more »

  They need bibles and bullets

They need bibles and bullets

Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has triggered an avalanche of global criticism, growing levels of military aid and potentially crippling economic sanctions. On a daily basis, news machines around the world have been reporting directly from Kyiv, providing anyone who will listen with up-to-date reports... read more »

  Why Ukraine… why now?

Why Ukraine... why now?

While listening to the words coming out of the mouths of a succession of political figures this morning as Ukraine faces up to the threat of a Russian invasion, I find my agitation levels rising. I have Ukrainian... read more »

  Every picture tells a story…

Every picture tells a story...

Everyone who is a regular reader of Sorted magazine appreciates the wonderful work of our very talented illustrator, Andy Gray. For several years now, Andy has been our resident man with a crayon, who can quickly bring topical moments to life on a piece of... read more »