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Adventure of a lifetime
It had been nine years since I had been on mission,” explains 38-year-old Luke Gratton from Prestatyn in North Wales, “and I felt my world view had become limited; I believe you need to make sure every now and then that this is blown... read more »

Transformation and faith
With the statistics of church decline grabbing column inches and headlines on a regular basis, Sorted magazine caught up with Alanzo Paul to hear his drug-fuelled story of transformation and new faith.What was your upbringing like?I had quite a normal Canadian upbringing with loving... read more »

Man on a mission
Denzel Washington is a man with a deep sense of mission in life. It extends to his family, his movie career, and most importantly, to his faith in God. The son of a Pentecostal preacher, Washington has long been driven by an abiding belief... read more »

Ed Stafford: First man out
Ed Stafford was bitten by the bug for adventure from an early age as a Cub and then Scout. Four years as an officer in the Devon and Dorset Regiment can only have sharpened his appetite for adventure, and after leaving the army he... read more »

Hope in the slums
In the centre of Kibera slum, Nairobi, Kenya, on what used to be a rubbish dump, stand three schools, a boarding house for teenage girls, a church, a medical clinic, some outhouses for animals and a basic kitchen. There are fewer open sewers and... read more »

Jim Caviezel: Taking risks
Jim Caviezel, who plays the physician and evangelist Luke in Paul, Apostle of Christ is no stranger to taking on challenging biblical acting roles, following his portrayal of Jesus in the 2004 film The Passion of the Christ.Despite reportedly receiving warnings from Mel Gibson... read more »

The ‘reverse snip’
From firing blanks to conceiving some new life in your leadershipIn 1st June this year, I helped a friendly middle-aged woman understand something she’d never figured out:“Why am I happy donating to children on Comic Relief,” she asked me, when I mentioned working with... read more »

Behind the moustache
Onscreen, Tom Selleck has a reputation for playing reliable, straightforward men; but his life offscreen is a little more complex, proving that there is more to everyone’s favourite moustachioed actor than meets the eye.Those growing up in the 80s will best remember actor Tom... read more »

Stand-up virgin
A friend once said to me: “You’re really funny. You should be a stand-up comedian.” Many of us have had the experience of making a group of friends laugh down the pub. Or, if you’re middle-aged like me, at a friend’s house for a... read more »

Open Doors in North Korea
North Korea has enough prisoners in concentration camps to easily fill Wembley, Twickenham and Old Trafford. These prisoners have been stripped of their humanity and are forced to live in gruesome conditions.Hea Woo* was one of those people. She spent many years in a... read more »