Brits embrace sustainability

According to new research published this week, over 55% of Britons now say they are living ‘sustainably’ – while one in six of us (17%) admit we are not.
According to The Pru, the financial services company that compiled the statistics, Brits are in the midst of making huge changes to their daily lives, which will have a positive impact on the environment. This includes:
- 67% of us taking a reusable bag to the supermarket
- 56% recycling plastics and waste
- 38% choosing to save electricity by turning off the lights, etc
- 19% holidaying in the UK to reduce pollution associated with flying
- 18% aving water by reducing teir time in the shower – and walking or cycling instead of using a car
- 17% of us are reducing the amount of packaging we use, or create
- 11% of Britons deciding to stop eating meat
- 10% repairing clothes, rather than throwing them out at the first sign of wear and tear
- 8% consciously buying eco-friendly cleaning products
Regardless of household income or age, we can all make small changes to our daily lives and make our voices heard and values known.
We can all make changes to our daily lives. Even the smallest of changes – like cycling to work instead of taking the bus, or recycling more as a household – can help. The collective impact we can have with our consumption, recycling and buying habits can, over time, help to create better communities and safeguard the planet.