Be wary of 'best-buy' trap

With millions of Britons putting price ahead of relevance when they buy life insurance products, Sorted's Louis Mason argues the time has come for consumers to turn to trusted and reliable financial advisers, in a bid to secure deals that meet their long-term needs.
WE HAVE heard it all before: an insurance expert making shocking statements and quoting alarming figures that are too good to be true.
And then there are TV and radio adverts that drive us all to distraction by claiming 70 per cent of people are paying for financial products that are next to useless.
Today, making big claims is the norm and, in the face of such a verbal avalanche, the average consumer has learned to defend themselves from the many claims and boasts of the financial services sector by developing a shield of cynicism and distrust.
That’s all well and good – but what if some of these claims really are true?
Under threat
Incredibly, I have discovered as many as seven out of ten life insura...
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