Be jolly, not melancholy

Christmas Day is almost here. Yet there is more apprehension and unease in the air than I can ever remember.
This is perhaps understandable considering the uncertainties we all face. But right now, those of us who celebrate the birth of Christ have a great opportunity to warm the hearts of the unbeliever. And we must take it.
I am not talking about engaging in Bible-bashing, or the like. Far from it. But, to be clear, I am suggesting we all set a good example to others; that we show kindness and, dare I say it, some love to our family, friends and neighbours, and that we do these things with a smile on our faces. And maybe we should also feel free to declare our allegiance to Christ and the God we all serve?
It is easy for all of us to get caught up in the madness of the commercial overdrive that seems to grip every Christmas and forget what this time of year is all about.
LOYAL FOLLOWERS: The disciples spread the Word – and died for the cause they served.
For me, it's a lo...
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