Back... with a bang

And finally, he’s about to turn up. Still, better late than never – and given the sad reasons for his delay, let’s forgive 007 for his tardiness on this occasion!
I don’t know about you, but I have just booked my ticket for Daniel Craig's latest outing as James Bond in No Time To Die? I am going at midnight on 30 September to see it on the super-sized screen in Milton Keynes. And I can't wait.
In the meantime, I am about to do something that I don't think Bond has ever done. For never – in print or on-screen – has Bond stepped into or crawled his way out of a minefield. Honest. However – allow me to take that step. Every time a new Bond film comes out, I take the opportunity to go back and binge-watch the films that have come before. I am such a massive fan of the franchise and it’s always great to go back and relive some many great adventures. I have just immersed myself in all the Daniel Craig films – and have loved doing so.
But which are the best and worst Bond films, and who is the best Bond?
Such questions cause fans like me to stay up late into the night debating the various merits of Moore, Dalton, Bronson, Lazenby and Sean Connery. Well – for what it's worth, from best to worst here’s my list. It's highly likely you will disagree with some, or all, of what I write from here. But that's okay. The only thing that matters is I leave you shaken and stirred.
In order of priority, here are my favourite 10 Bond films:
- On Her Majesty's Secret Service: the film follows the book – and what an ending. I still cry. Don’t tell me George Lazenby can’t act when you see that final scene! The best of the series for many, many fans.
- Skyfall: Craig really captures the Bond of the books and does a great job throughout this film. The finale is simply stunning.
- Casino Royale (the Craig version): this introduced Craig as 007 and brilliantly rebooted the series.
- Spectre: Craig again but a brilliant continuation of the story and the largest explosion ever in a Bond.
- From Russia With Love: Connery at his best; a truly gripping espionage story.
- Goldfinger: "No Mr Bond I am expecting you to die." A classic.
- Dr No: One of the best Bond villains and one of the best leading ladies.
- The Living Daylights: Timothy Dalton is mean, moody and magnificent.
- Licence to Kill: A personal mission for Bond, and boy, does he go for it!
- For Your Eyes Only: The most Fleming-like of all the Roger Moore films, and all the better for it.
And for anyone interested in reading what Daniel Craig thinks about reaching the end of the road as James Bond, look out for the new edition of Sorted magazine, which will be available in newsagents from 15 October. The magazine is carrying an exclusive interview with Daniel Craig, in which he talks candidly about life after Bond.
Andy Godfrey is Sorted's film critic and a leading member of the Mark Kermode Appreciation Society.