All hail the male...

So, today is the day we celebrate all things male as it is officially International Men's Day.
Yep, believe it or not, there is such a day on the calendar – and quite right too!
There are many reasons to hail the maleness in our world (and admittedly, some reasons not to). We are different to women in so many respects, particularly in the way we think and conduct ourselves in the home, workplace and social environments. And when that is wholesome, that is most certainly something to smile about.
Who doesn't love going into a bloke-only loo and seeing it catering for our maleness – and aren't we all full of admiration for football fans (who all seem to support Newcastle United) when in the midst of winter, they whip off their coats and shirts and stand there bare-chested for well over an hour, letting it all hang out in sub-zero temperatures?
That's what being a man is. We are a bit cranky and a bit crazy. But we are the more loveable for it. Apart from our wives, girlfriends and close family members and friends, who'd want to change us?
Seven reasons to celebrate being a man...
We turn our dirty pants inside out to wear them again on another day
We sniff our armpits to check if it's time to take a shower
We like to blow our noses in the shower
We rarely wash our hands after going to the bathroom
99.99% of the time we forget to lift the toilet seat
We wear our jeans for more than a month without washing them
And we always eat something that fell onto the ground because it was only on the ground for five seconds – and five seconds is nothing!
So, enjoy today. Bask in being a modern kind of man for 24 glorious hours – and then try to make a positive difference wherever and whenever you can.