From accident to recovery

Matt Masson is a passionate skier who was so severely injured in an accident in 2010 that he had to relearn how to walk, talk and ski. In his inspiring story, Matt says his accident has been pivotal in leading him to achieve what he could only dream of pre-injury.
Skiing is a dangerous sport, and freeriding the extreme version of an already death-defying activity. A style of snowboarding or skiing performed on natural, ungroomed terrain without a set course, goals or rules, freeriding was a rebellion against the traditional highly regimented style of skiing in the sport’s early years.
Travelling to Switzerland for the Freeride World Tour (FWT) earlier this year was a chance to witness the athletes of this incredibly challenging sport in which the best snowboarders and skiers compete in the most renowned ski resorts across the world. Naturally, I was wowed by the flips and jumps of the masters of this sport but I was equally amazed by its fans, one of whom is 32-year-old Matt Mass...
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Quest of Biblical proportions

It’s not often you meet a real-life Indiana Jones in person. First impressions of Bob Cornuke are of a broad-shouldered, tough-looking, no-nonsense all-American – everything you’d expect when encountering a modern-day explorer.
But what makes Bob even more unique is the fact that he’s risked his life on more than 72 expeditions and even been arrested five times in the Middle East, not for the fame and fortune, but for the sole purpose of discovering the lost locations in the Bible.
These journeys have included searching for the real Mount Sinai in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, following ancient Assyrian and Babylonian flood accounts in Iran and tracking the ark of the covenant from Israel to Egypt and across the Ethiopian highlands. Off the coast of Malta, his research team found the probable location of Paul’s shipwreck – more specifically, the accounting of all four anchors as described in Acts 27 in the Bible. His latest extensive research efforts have been in Israel in search of th...
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From boy wizard

After his stellar success as a boy wizard in the Harry Potter films Daniel Radcliffe has found himself in many movies and on Broadway.
Now, he is starring in Miracle Workers, a quirky new American TBS cable series, based on Simon Rich’s book, What in God’s Name, which tells the story of heaven as a corporation run by a leader who has taken a sabbatical to play [with] gold and google himself instead of answering the world’s problems.
Miracle Workers, depicts heaven as if it was grimy and industrial, and stars Daniel as a lower level angel named Craig, Steve Buscemi (Boardwalk Empire) as God and Geraldine Viswanathan (Blockers) and Karan Soni (Deadpool) as angels.
The show tells the story of two angels, Daniel’s character Craig and his female colleague, who are put to task to try to convince God not to destroy the Earth. These two hard-working two angels bet God that “they can pull off their most impossible miracle yet: help two humans fall in love.”
The 29-year-o...
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Sussex by the sea

In his next Great British Adventure, Pete Woodward takes to the water for a kayak journey on the Channel
Discovering new places under my own steam has always been a passion of mine and when I am not out on my own adventures, I read those of others avidly. Over ten years ago, I read a book called Pedalling to Hawaii by Stevie Smith (Summersdale). Stevie and his ‘Expedition 360’ partner, Jason Lewis, set out to complete the first human-powered circumnavigation of the globe; cycling, rollerblading and walking across the landmasses, and traversing oceans in a pedal-powered boat built by their friend Chris Tipper. It is a fantastic book and gave me a new perspective on adventure. Years later, when Jason completed the circumnavigation, I devoured the series that he released, “The Expedition”. They remain among my favourites and I took great inspiration from their ambition, tenacity and from their willingness to tackle challenges that others had written off as dangerous or outright impossi...
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