
From accident to recovery
Matt Masson is a passionate skier who was so severely injured in an accident in 2010 that he had to relearn how to walk, talk and ski. In his inspiring story, Matt says his accident has been pivotal in leading him to achieve what... read more »

Quest of Biblical proportions
It’s not often you meet a real-life Indiana Jones in person. First impressions of Bob Cornuke are of a broad-shouldered, tough-looking, no-nonsense all-American – everything you’d expect when encountering a modern-day explorer. But what makes Bob even more unique is the fact that he’s risked... read more »

From boy wizard
After his stellar success as a boy wizard in the Harry Potter films Daniel Radcliffe has found himself in many movies and on Broadway. Now, he is starring in Miracle Workers, a quirky new American TBS cable series, based on Simon Rich’s book, What in... read more »

Sussex by the sea
In his next Great British Adventure, Pete Woodward takes to the water for a kayak journey on the Channel Discovering new places under my own steam has always been a passion of mine and when I am not out on my own adventures, I read... read more »

In the next in the series of Great British Adventures, Pete Woodward heads to the English Lake District for a new style of amphibious race. Adventure sports have exploded over the last decade with people looking for bigger and more exciting challenges to test themselves... read more »

The Sandbanks Festival
Picture the scene; two days of fast-paced action as some of the world’s top polo players battle it out against a backdrop of some of the finest coastline in Britain. Then when the sun starts to slide into the horizon, the gathered thousands party... read more »

Caves and crossroads
My hands are freezing. My trousers are soaked. The pelting rain sounds like popping corn under the hood of my raincoat. Droplets run along my eyebrows and drip from my nose but shaking them off is futile. I glance at DJ, and we both... read more »

Leading from the front
Over the past five years, Chris Pratt has gone from comedy sidekick to Hollywood heavyweight. His physique and career may have changed dramatically, but his steadfast faith remains the same – and the star is determined to be a role model as well as... read more »

Living life out loud
One Man’s Story of Hope in all Circumstances In early 2003, a 16-year-old Lincolnshire lad was taken ill. Not for a moment thinking it was anything too serious, his mum decided to take him to the doctor. Some weeks later the diagnosis was confirmed: Dave... read more »

Better together
How Different Generations Can Help Each Other Lead. An abridged extract from Leading – The Millennial Way CEOs to senior leaders, pastors to PCC members – leaders know who they are and what they’re doing, right? Unfortunately, as many of you may know, that’s not the... read more »