Organisations and Timelines
Disabled People Make History - Disabled People Against Cuts
This webpage shows disabled people’s accounts and media coverage of disabled people from the March Against Cuts organised by trade unions on 26 March 2011.
Disability History Scotland
“Disability History Scotland advocates for the advancement of equality and diversity through the promotion of disability history, education and campaigning.”
UK Deaf History Society
UK Disability History Month (UKDHM)
From mid November to mid December, UK Disability History Month celebrates disabled people and our lives. Each year has a theme and resources are produced for the month.
“The Long and Winding Road A History of Disability and Disabled People”– a Timeline by Pete Millington
This timeline has a mix of legislation, medical changes, policy and disabled people’s activism from ancient times to around 2000. It was produced by Pete Millington, then of Disability West Midlands (since folded).
History of Place – Accentuate UK
“The History of Place project was a Heritage Lottery Fund funded project that visited eight locations across the country to rediscover the lives, pictures and stories of disabled people.”
A History of Disability: from 1050 to the Present Day - Historic England
This is useful if you are interested in historic buildings, for example, leper houses, hospitals and asylums.
A Disability History Timeline – Mersey Care
A timeline produced by the NHS starting BCE (Before the Common Era). It is a downloadable document.