Commemorative Stamps: International Year of Disabled People 1981

Commemorative Stamps: International Year of Disabled People 1981

Photo of International Year Of Disabled People 1981 Commemorative stamps


The United Nations set 1981 as the International Year of Disabled People. These commemorative stamps, sold by Royal Mail, were designed by John Gibbs


A presentation wallet of stamps. On the left, the outside of the wallet has a brown background with white writing: ‘The International Year of Disabled People 1981’ next to a wheelchair symbol, with ‘British Post Office Mint Stamps’ in smaller print beneath.

There are 4 stamps. All stamps are colour illustrations with a silhouetted silver image of the Queen’s head and the price in the top right corner.

14p. A yellow Labrador guide dog with the bottom half of their owner showing behind. They are walking from right to left of the stamp.

18p. 4 sets of 2 hands. Each set of hands making one letter in British Sign Language spelling the word Deaf.

22p. The bottom half of a manual wheelchair user pushing themselves up a slight incline.

25p. A foot holding a brush between its toes painting a rainbow.